The Charvin, a family story...
The story that links the Charvin family to Courchevel begins just after the war, skiing is in fashion and the Saint Bon valley offers ideal virgin slopes. The first buildings of the resort are built and first tourists come in abundance. The Courchevel adventure starts and with it, that of the family Charvin.
Maurice Charvin
1952 - Maurice is one of the first ski instructors in Courchevel. In the winter, he teaches the technique of skidding and in the summer, with two friends, he launches into the construction of a "big house"... The hotel Les Monts Charvin is born and with it, no doubt, the pleasure of receiving and welcoming, of making people discover, which the Charvin family passes on from generation to generation.
Bernard Charvin
1972 - Bernard, the local boy, is selected for the Olympic Games in Sapporo. Former member of the French ski team from 1969 to 1973, instructor, national trainer, Courchevel is his resort. Passionate and generous, he likes to tell its history and make it throb... "Cœur Courchevel 1850", built in 2009, and the 3 chalets of Saint Bon that he has just built, are an invitation to share. Unique places...
Aurore Charvin
Today - Aurore, Bernard's daughter, has the same sense of hospitality. She continues to write the family history, which is closely linked to that of Courchevel. The flats of "Coeur Courchevel 1850" are in their image: authentic, warm and sincere... The attention to detail and the quality of the services provided make this an exceptional place.